Other Grants
The Community Foundation is happy to provide this information as a resource and a courtesy to our foundation friends. Any questions regarding grant applications to these foundations who operate independently from the Community Foundation must be directed to them specifically.
Please note that final grant reports for the Wightman Wieber Foundation and The Mylander Foundation should not be submitted on the Erie County Community Foundation Final Grant Report form.
Donor Advised Fund Grants
The Legacy Fund of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Fund Advisors (Committee) a donor advised fund of Erie County Community Foundation
Submit grants requests to: StPaulLegacyFund@gmail.com
If you are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, a recognized governmental entity, an educational facility, a Church or recognized religious entity and you wish to apply for a grant from The Legacy Fund of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church (a donor advised fund), you will need to submit:
(1) Letter of request from organization including:
Organization name, address and EIN
Contact person email address and phone number
Amount requested
Project narrative
Project Timeline
Criteria with measurable results
Any additional information that would be beneficial
(2) Project Budget
If you have any questions regarding submitting a grant request to The Legacy Fund of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, submit to StPaulLegacyFund@gmail.com.